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All American Open Championships - 46th Annual

by Alan Zuckerman
(New Rochelle, NY)

Westchester TKD Academy

Westchester TKD Academy

March 19, 2011
Long Island University
Brooklyn Campus
(Paramount Gym)
1 University Plaza
Brooklyn, NY 11201


Westchester TKD Academy
116 N Main Street
Portchester, NY


The All American Open Championship was started in 1965 to promote the principles of the American Martial Arts. It has been held every year since and draws contestants from all around the world. The All American Open is presently recognized as one of the nation's major tournaments.

The All American Open was held in Madison Square Garden Center in New York City for twenty-three consecutive years, from 1967 to 1989. It was at the 1967 All American Open where Chuck Norris and Bruce Lee first met. The All American Open has been continued and staged outside the Garden since 1989, and we are proud to say that many famous champions like Cynthia Rothrock, Eric LaSalle (from the E.R.TV series) have participated and won in the All American Open.

The all American Open provides an opportunity for practitioners of all styles to meet and compete against each other in a spirit of cooperation and harmony. The tournament rules are specifically formulated to cover all the major styles and not favor one over the others.


9:00 AM: Late Registration
10:15 AM: Judges meeting
10:30 AM: Opening Ceremony
11:00 AM: Children's FORMS
12:00 PM: Children's SPARRING
2:00 PM: Adults Black Belt & Advanced FORMS
3:00 PM: Adults FORMS & SPARRING


Children (10 and Under): $5.00
General Admission: $10.00


1. If you register by mail before March 18, 2011.
· $45.00 For Free Sparring, Form, or Breaking.
· $60.00 for any two events.
· $70.00 for any three events.

2. If you register on the morning of March 19, 2011.
· $50 for one event., $65 for two, and $75 for three events.

Mouth guards, groin cups (male), and safety equipment for hands, feet and head are mandatory.

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