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Historic Milestone - Thailand ITF

by Sabum Graham Moulden

ITF Thailand

ITF Thailand

Official ITFT Dinner &
Black Belt Certificate Presentation

It was an historic occasion when the International Taekwon-Do Federation Thailand hosted the ITF President Prof. & Dr. Chang Ung and Executive members including Vice President Grand Master Leong Wai Meng, Grand Master Hwang Ho Yong and Executive Director General Master Ri Yong Son, Sectretary of the Korean Taekwon-Do Committee Mr, Kim Kang Chol, President of the All Australia ITF Senior Master Robert Lai, Senior master Jon Tae Yong from China, President of the Queensland ITF Assoc. Sabum Anthony Coleman and QITFA Executive members Sabum Jeff Dieben, Sabum Kris Richardson and Sabum Marcelle Dieben.

It was a honor to have His Excellency the Ambassador of the DPR Korea in Thailand Mr. An Song Nam and his aid Mr. Han in attendance along with several ITFT students and family.

Many thanks must go to ITFT Secretary Sabum Rachanok Moulden for her excellent organising of the evening. The venue, meals and interpreting of speeches were all well received by the honored guested.

The evening was all about recognising the first three Thai Nationals to be promoted to 1st Dan Black belt. The President and ITF executives had just participated in a Masters Seminar held in Chiang Mai and were invited to extend their stay to attend the function.

Prof. & Dr. Chang Ung provide an informative speech before presenting the first ever Thai national 1st Dan Certificate TH-1-1 to Ms. Punyisa Junloy. Certificate TH-1-2 and TH-1-3 were presented to Sabum Moulden in the absence of Sasi Veerasethakul and Kittisak Arpornwicharnop respectively.

Dato Prof. Dr. and Grand Master Leong Wei Meng Added his congratulations and encouraged everyone to set high moral standards beyond the Tenets of Taekwon-Do.

Mr. Kim Kang Chol Secretary of the Korean Taekwon-Do Committee presented a congratulatory speech from Mr. Kim Kyong Ho President, Korean Taekwon-Do Committee & Asian Taekwon-Do Federation, Vice-President, International Taekwon-Do Federation.

The evening was enjoyed by all and a rare opportunity for most to meet the President and so many of the ITF’s senior Executives.

Sabum Graham Moulden VI Dan
ITF Representative Thailand

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