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Kukkiwon Dan Certificate - Where is Mine?

(Dan 1 missing certificate- whom to approach?)

My son Anant Matai appeared for Dan 1 in Feb 2010 in Jakarta Indonesia. He was declared passed and awarded his first black belt soon after. Almost 18 months have passed and he still has not received his certificate. The club he appeared with and local TKD division, both keep saying "wait, will be resolved soon".

We got someone visiting Korea to check with Kukkiwon and they found out his name is not in the records.

We are at complete loss how to sort this out. He is unable to move forward because of no certificate.

Can you guide us whom to approach to sort this out?

Dear Friend,

Unfortunately I get letters about this exact thing far too often, so let me address it for you and the sake of all the other taekwondo students out there.

First, congratulations to your son on earning a black belt. It's a great achievement that very few individuals can claim.

Now, about the Kukkiwon Dan certificate. I encourage you to double check whether the school you attend is indeed certified by the Kukkiwon as a WTF school.

I believe that unfortunately, some schools (not to say yours is one of them) lead students to believe they are WTF certified but actually are not.

If the school is not actually affiliated with Kukkiwon and the WTF then there will be no certificate forthcoming.

I sincerely hope you and your son have not been duped.

The only way to check is to contact Kukkiwon about your both your son's certification and that of the school's owner.

I hope this helps your quest and wish you best of luck in getting that Dan certificate.

Warm Regards,

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