Ying Yang

Taekwondo Information

Tae kwon do Classes

There are thousands of tae kwon do classes occuring somewhere in the world every day.

That's a perk to studying the most popular martial art in the world. You can find taekwondo classes in a school somewhere near you, no matter where you are.

Some of you don't want to join a school, or take instruction outside of your home.

Many people are just more comfortable with learning on their own at the pace they choose.

I understand and I sympathize because I have some of this attitude myself.

But not with taekwondo classes!

goTae kwon do Instructor

The Best Tae kwon do Classes


If you are looking for the BEST tae kwon do classes and instruction, you'll have to do your homework.

You must look in your local yellow pages and on-line for schools that you are willing to travel to. Ask your friends where they go or where they have enrolled their kids because...

  • You cannot learn tae kwon do from a book.

  • You cannot learn tae kwon do from a mail order kit.

  • You cannot learn tae kwon do from a video.

All of these tools will most certainly enhance your learning, but can never substitute for taekwondo classes.

goTae kwon do Volunteer

Make Appointments at Taekwondo Schools

Black Belt Kids
Most good tae kwon do schools will offer a free trial lesson.

When searching for tae kwon do classes, keep in mind as you visit a potential location that the school belongs to its members.

The condition of the classrooms, locker rooms, training gyms, equipment and even rest rooms is a representation of the pride those students feel toward their school and thereby the art of tae kwon do.

Tae kwon do techniques are taught as an art form, self-defense and method of self-development. And they are not to be treated lightly.

  • Horseplay can be extremely dangerous.

  • Attending class under the influence of drugs or alcohol is strictly forbidden.

  • Training with an injury should always be discussed with an instructor first.

  • Keep your nails trimmed, leave your jewelry in a locker and wear proper safety gear at all times.

This is for your benefit as well as your fellow students.

Only instruction by a qualified instructor or master will give you the results you are looking for.

goThe Tae Kwon Do Network. For more information on local schools and tournaments

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"Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself."
~Chinese Proverb

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