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2010 ICTF Western Canadian Championship - Taekwon-do Tournament

by Raj Dhaliwal
(Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada)

ICTF Western Canadian Championship

April 24, 2010

In April, students from ICTF clubs will converge on Jasper, Alberta, a small town nestled in the beautiful Rocky Mountains. The Taekwon-do students will be coming to this town to meet in friendly competition. The National Federation will be the host to this exciting event. This is the first time that an ICTF event has been held in a town with no host club present.

All Taekwon-do enthusiasts are welcome to participate in this tournament whether they belong to the ICTF or not. The competition will consist of patterns and sparring, divided by age, belt and gender. The Chon-ji set of patterns and ICTF sparring rules will apply.

If you need more information, email Taekwondo Network and we will forward you Raj's email address. KA

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