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TKD Late in Years

by Don
(El Paso, TX)


I started my TKD journey at the age of 58 at the urging of my grandson whom I enrolled in TKD training at just before 5 years of age. Jordan and I have progressed equally, one belt (and stripes) at a time to finally receiving our 1st Dan in October 2009. We have found our dojo most friendly and very much a family atmosphere. We love participating and miss it much when on vacation. I anticipate we will continue to grow in our TKD experience for a long time to come. We just finished testing successfully for our 2nd Dan. I was a former Navy Special Ops type and have found the commitment to training and developing expertise in TKD is very much like that I experienced in the Navy. I encourage anyone, at any age, and any physical condition or limitation, to proceed with their journey into the world of TKD. No matter what the challenge one has, the TKD Masters, other instructors and friends one meets during TKD training is a life journey in joy.

Best wishes and many more kicks,

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