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United States Taekwon Do Federation International Championship

by Master Renee Sereff
(Broomfield, Colorado USA)

USTF Taekwondo Tournament

USTF Taekwondo Tournament

The event will take place at Broomfield High School, Broomfield, Colorado USA June 25th and 26th, 2011. Weigh in for Black Belts will be held at Sereff Taekwon Do, 6801 W. 117th Ave., Broomfield, Colorado on June 24th from 3:00 pm – 7:00 pm. This year we will also host a color belt event including sparring and pattern for all ages starting 9:00 am June 25th. The USTF Rules and Regulations will apply for both events. Information packets including competition forms and referee sign up will be available in September. All Black Belts must pre-register there will be no onsite registration for Black Belts. We will accept registrations for color belts up until 8:00 am the 25th of June, 2011.

Our designated hotel will be the Ramada Plaza and Convention Center, 10 East 120th Ave., Northglenn, Colorado, 303-452-4100. When you call for reservations, please mention Sereff Taekwon Do to get the discount rooms at $89.00 per night. Time is of the essence because there is a National Girls Softball Tournament that same weekend so please make your reservations early. The airport you want to fly into is Denver International Airport. If you have any questions, please e-mail Sr. Master Renee Sereff at rsereff@rmi.net.

We look forward to a great championship with good competition and camaraderie. Australia, Ireland, Canada, New Zealand, Scotland and Puerto Rico have all received invitations to the event. We hope to see you there.

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